Parla con un esperto
Il Mio Aura
Parla con un esperto
Il Mio Aura

Decoding the enigma of overnight brown spots

Our skin, the body’s largest organ, is a canvas that tells the story of our life experiences. And while the natural aging process brings about changes, some are more welcome than others. The appearance of brown spots (sometimes called “age spots”) on the skin, for instance, can raise questions and concerns. In this article, we explore what  brown spots really mean and highlight the pivotal role of skin analysis tools like Aura in supporting patients and practitioners to spot brown spots and advise on patients on best treatments.

Understanding Brown Spots

Various factors can cause brown spots, and they come in different forms. Hyperpigmentation, freckles, lentigines and melanoma are some causes of brown spots. Most of these are harmless, but because they can indicate carcinoma (the most common skin cancer) or melanoma (the most invasive form of skin scancer) you should always get the m checked out just in case. These spots can manifest for various reasons, including sun exposure, hormonal changes, genetics, or skin injuries.

An Ounce of Prevention

But first, as any doctor will tell you, and as the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The best way to avoid brown spots is to protect your skin in the first place.

Shielding your skin from the sun’s harsh rays is the primary defence against brown spots. Regularly applying sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 becomes your foremost shield. Incorporating sun-protective attire and seeking shade during peak sun hours further reinforce your defences.

The Role of Skin Analysis Tools in Diagnosis

However, despite best efforts, brown spots can still appear.

Skin analysis tools like Aura empower skin practitioners to have a closer look beneath the surface of the skin, ensuring that patients receive the most appropriate treatment recommendations. From the patient’s point of view, skin analysis can not only identify the brown spots they can see with the naked eye, but reveal ones that might be on the horizon or otherwise too subtle to be detected if you aren’t an aesthetic practitioner with a trained eye. Using real-time skin analysis tools helps patients see exactly what the doctor sees, paving the way for future treatment..

Depending on the diagnosis, treatment options may include topical medications, laser therapy, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or cryotherapy. But the first step is getting a consultation, conducting an analysis of a trained practitioner, and coming up with a shared plan on how you’re going to revise the story your skin tells.

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